Saturday, 9 August 2014

Superiority Syndrome

In feminist and communist discourses one of the narrative is that, class differences are the main differences and there is little or no need to have feminist struggle, once the class question is resolved.  It is argued that; most of the times there is a struggle between rich and poor rather than a man and a woman. A rich man exploits a rich women, a poor women and also a poor man and similarly a rich woman can exploit a poor man and a poor woman. So it is between a rich and a poor and not between a man and a woman. But there is no universal formula that fits all situations. Because sometime class differences overshadows gender differences and vice versa. I believe that the debate on class differences cater only partially to patriarchy. 
Khwendo Kor's (KK) chief executive Maryam Bibi is a very down to earth and a very humble women. She herself is a very religious but liberal person. She respects, listens and interestingly also understands and accepts others point of views, even if they contradicts with her beliefs and ideologies. This attitude is very rare and needed in our society. Among many, one of her humble gesture is that she doesn't like her staff members and juniors to stand up in her respect if she enters a place (which is a routine attitude in our society), and she used to say it all the time to all, that she feels embarrassed, so all should not be doing so. 
One day I was discussing her this attitude with one of KK's driver and my jaw dropped when I heard his response. His point of view was that, this instruction of Maryam bibi (of not standing in her respect) is not for the women staff members but just for men. According to him Islam forbids a women to lead and direct men, and this is sinful for women to compel men to submit to her. Therefore his interpretation to a simple humble gesture of  Maryam Bibi's is that as she is a religious women so in order to adhere to the Islamic ethos, and avoid committing a sin, she has given such instructions to all staff members. I was amassed with the interpretation. 
Although the driver is subordinate to her and has to obey her most of the times but as he is a "MAN", therefore in order to carter to his superiority syndrome he devised a way to reject the reality and feel superior. He was feeling inferior in front of a woman, if class hierarchy is to be taken into consideration, so he used religion to feel superior in front of a her (he can accept another man instead of a woman boss). For those who do not know the meaning; a syndrome is a group of symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease, psychological disorder, or an abnormal condition. 
Knowing Maryam Bibi I was sure that this interpretation of a simple humble gesture is wrong but still in order to re-verify I discussed with Maryam Bibi and she was also amazed with his analysis. Although I felt annoyed but then I really thought that such "men" need therapy so that they are able to accept reality or maybe they should be left in their "Ahmaqo ki Jannat" (heaven of silly people). And hence communism alone cannot fulfill feminist agenda.  

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